Timeline:Russo-Ukrainian Conflict

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This is meant to be a general timeline for different articles/news events/etc. that have come out over the Russo-Ukraine conflict. It is not comprehensive, and (due to the recency of the wiki) is largely focused on events from 2022 onward.


todo: these years




  • Russia16: More than 50 BTGs have been deployed[1]
  • RussiaSpecific BMP-2, T-72B3, BREM-1, GAZ-3344-20 Aleut, DT-30 Vityaz from Northern Fleet's 80th or 200th Arctic Motorized Rifle Brigades identified? (todo: geolocated? Doctrine purpose?)[2]
  • RussiaUnited StatesNATORussia proposes two bi/mulitlateral agreements, but they include terms that are known to be unacceptable.[3][4][5]
  • Maps of troop movements in recent months[6]
  • United StatesUkraine20: LEVEL 4: DO NOT TRAVEL TO UKRAINE alert issued by U.S. State Department[7]

