The breakingcraft list
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It's my own file that I have made since 2011, but I remade it this spring into the same format as archer83able does per military district and per branch of armed forces. (Before that, it was just chaos that not even I understood..) But I add a lot more info about units than archer83able. Only the part of active military sites in mine is 3-4 times as large as his, and that is without the folder/tab that contains inactive military units for exclusion. But Im going to try to start to add where and when I get the info from, I have been terrible bad with that...I cross reference sites with:
Manually checking on (dont seem to work anymore? Was a good bad-opsec resource because all the people that were based as the millitary units wrote in the comments on their experience and what they did do at the places, people does that on wikimapia too but not as much as on eesosedi)
OpenStreetMap Overpass-turbo query exports
But its basically an amalgamation of:Worldwide SAM Site Overview.kmz 2012 from from Professor Sean O'Connor that has done stuff for IHS Jane´s.ICBM silos sites + nuclear production sites from (the category that I started with but its the one that needs most TL&C for the moment as its to messy with both inactive and active facilities mixed in eatchotters):
east-west ICBM balance 60-70.kmz Russian ICBM.kmz 515445-SovietICBMasperSTART1.kmz Russia's nuclear complex.kmz ModelNewSTARTData1Sep2012.kmz Soviet and Russian Nuclear Weapons Complexes.kmz Soviet-Russian Nuclear-Chemical Weapons Facilities.kmz
Airbases / planes range rings from: Russia's Air-Launched NSNW Posture.kmz sites, space surveillance , HFDF sites, GRU-SIGINT sites, OTH-radars from:
KRUG-FIX24-THICK8-CDAA-0701512.kmz Soviet HFDF-Missile&%09Space Tracking06-21-10.kmz NIP.kmz R-7a.kmz Soviet MIssile &%09Space Tracking Sites 73110.kmz Storozhevaya and Nakhodka KRONA complexes.kmz ROCICO Krona, Krona-N.kmz Russian early warning radars Jan 2013.kmz 948132-RussiaVLFstations.kmz