List of Chinese DPRK Researchers

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Revision as of 19:36, 31 May 2022 by Bmueller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Most of this list is what's been found browsing CNKI and Duxiu. Listing here is not necessarily endorsement; it's unknown at cursory gla...")
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Most of this list is what's been found browsing CNKI and Duxiu. Listing here is not necessarily endorsement; it's unknown at cursory glance if these researchers and their articles/writings are explicitly propaganda or actual analysis intended to make informed policy decisions. Regardless, it's useful to know what the internal discourse includes.


  • 陈友龙 - seems somewhat widely downloaded, has an article of the 2021 DPRK Defense Expo that may not exist elsewhere.
  • 毕颖达 - Has several DPRK articles with over a dozen citations. Bias unknown.