List of Chinese Research Databases

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Due to censorship, much research done in China exists within its own independent (but interconnected) environment. Tools similar to Google Scholar, Nature, Elsevier, etc. all exist within China, with the Chinese internet having created its own equivalents to all these sources.

Much of this research can be incredibly useful for OSINT Research.[Citation NOT needed] As an example, there is some degree of known research collaboration between North Korean universities and those in China, the product of which is unlikely to show up translated in western databases such as Google Scholar. As such, this page seeks to document the list of known Chinese research databases, and what information (if any) you can access externally.

A note on translation

Many of these sites are primarily in Chinese, and not intended for non-Chinese English speaking users. As such, while you can certainly use machine tools like Google Translate to use them, it's recommended to consult a Chinese speaker for assistance or verification of information/translation if possible.


todo: background (link to the wikipedia page on it

What can be accessed

Duxiu (读秀)

What can be accessed