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One useful metric for measuring research output of Kim-Chaek university and North Korea's military programs is general is by studying its researchers, faculty, etc.<ref>https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315967194_A_Study_on_the_Production_of_Science_and_Technology_Knowledge_in_North_Korea_through_International_Academic_Papers?_iepl%5BgeneralViewId%5D=iJX0Vv5Kju1Kh7tfIOgG0uQ12ZtXyWE0K1QE&_iepl%5Bcontexts%5D%5B0%5D=searchReact&_iepl%5BviewId%5D=LlloDuXmTjQwFKgcONU4FOG0nmYgY7AEESC9&_iepl%5BsearchType%5D=publication&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BcountLessEqual20%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BinteractedWithPosition1%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BwithEnrichment%5D=1&_iepl%5Bposition%5D=1&_iepl%5BrgKey%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BtargetEntityId%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BinteractionType%5D=publicationTitle</ref> This page attempts to list the names and positions of current and previous faculty, as well as links to them and any research they have done.<ref>https://www.wiki.zh-cn.nina.az/%E6%B4%AA%E7%91%9E%E6%86%B2.html</ref> Researchgate lists 43 different faculty members as of May 31.<ref>https://www.researchgate.net/institution/Kim_Chaek_University_of_Technology/members</ref> Researchsquare and Google Scholar also appears to have some entries.<ref>https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&sxsrf=AOaemvLDzlMxeLd6CJqcuQjlUnDCTchGuw%3A1641236429249&source=hp&ei=zUfTYcWmDOnTytMP2OyOsAo&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYdNV3eREgjLWmXVn3Oywtlj_Des-BtyX&ved=0ahUKEwiFweuSopb1AhXpqXIEHVi2A6YQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BAgjECc6CwgAEIAEELEDEIsDOggIABCABBCLAzoFCC4QgAQ6EQguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDEIsDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCLAzoXCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowIQiwMQqAMQpwM6BAguEEM6BAgAEEM6EAguEEMQiwMQqAMQmgMQmAM6BwgAELEDEEM6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQQxCLA1AAWLRPYKNTaAZwAHgAgAFmiAHrFZIBBDUxLjGYAQCgAQG4AQI&sclient=gws-wiz</ref><ref>https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C21&q=%28kim+chaek+university%29&btnG=</ref>
One useful metric for measuring research output of Kim-Chaek university and North Korea's military programs is general is by studying its researchers, faculty, etc.<ref>https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315967194_A_Study_on_the_Production_of_Science_and_Technology_Knowledge_in_North_Korea_through_International_Academic_Papers?_iepl%5BgeneralViewId%5D=iJX0Vv5Kju1Kh7tfIOgG0uQ12ZtXyWE0K1QE&_iepl%5Bcontexts%5D%5B0%5D=searchReact&_iepl%5BviewId%5D=LlloDuXmTjQwFKgcONU4FOG0nmYgY7AEESC9&_iepl%5BsearchType%5D=publication&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BcountLessEqual20%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BinteractedWithPosition1%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BwithEnrichment%5D=1&_iepl%5Bposition%5D=1&_iepl%5BrgKey%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BtargetEntityId%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BinteractionType%5D=publicationTitle</ref> This page attempts to list the names and positions of current and previous faculty, as well as links to them and any research they have done.<ref>https://www.wiki.zh-cn.nina.az/%E6%B4%AA%E7%91%9E%E6%86%B2.html</ref> Researchgate lists 43 different faculty members as of May 31.<ref>https://www.researchgate.net/institution/Kim_Chaek_University_of_Technology/members</ref> Researchsquare and Google Scholar also appears to have some entries.<ref>https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&sxsrf=AOaemvLDzlMxeLd6CJqcuQjlUnDCTchGuw%3A1641236429249&source=hp&ei=zUfTYcWmDOnTytMP2OyOsAo&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYdNV3eREgjLWmXVn3Oywtlj_Des-BtyX&ved=0ahUKEwiFweuSopb1AhXpqXIEHVi2A6YQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BAgjECc6CwgAEIAEELEDEIsDOggIABCABBCLAzoFCC4QgAQ6EQguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDEIsDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCLAzoXCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowIQiwMQqAMQpwM6BAguEEM6BAgAEEM6EAguEEMQiwMQqAMQmgMQmAM6BwgAELEDEEM6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQQxCLA1AAWLRPYKNTaAZwAHgAgAFmiAHrFZIBBDUxLjGYAQCgAQG4AQI&sclient=gws-wiz</ref><ref>https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C21&q=%28kim+chaek+university%29&btnG=</ref> Many of these entries have been manually compiled from Chinese sources such as [[List of Chinese Research Databases|CNKI]].
== List ==
== List ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|'''Last spotted'''
|'''Name (Korean)'''
!Last spotted
|'''Other names'''
!Name (Korean)
!Other names
|'''Contact Info'''
|An, Kwangil
|Cui Zhe-Xue, 崔哲学?
|also possibly Harbin Engineering University
|Under DPRK Romanization, "Choe Chol Hak"
|Information Center
|Songhun Kwak
|Appears to have published research into vibration analysis (applicable to missiles?)
|Mechanical Engineering
|Structural Engineering?
|Bang, Tae-Jin
|Institute of Robotics
|Supposedly part of the DPRK Electrical Authority and who is claimed to have published dozens of scientific papers/research articles. Listed on the Chinese Kim-Chaek University wikipedia page, but the source is a dead link
|Cha, Jae-Ryong
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Cha, Myong-Chol
|Songhun Kwak
|Department of Mechanical Science and Technology
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Composite Structures
|Computational Mechanics
|Solid Mechanics
|Cha, Myong-Song
|Un Chol Han
|Electronics Engineering
|School of Science and Engineering
|Soil Mechanics
|Slope Stability
|Chae, Chol-Ho
|Chanil Pak
|Earth Science and Technology, School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Institute of information technology D.P.R. of Korea
|Chaotic system
|image encryption
|Image Steganography
|Chang Sok Kim
|Poknam Han
|College of Ship and Ocean Technology
|School of Science and Engineering
|Vibration Analysis
|Structural Vibration
|Chanil Pak
|Yong Jun Kim
|Institute of information technology D.P.R. of Korea
|Faculty of Physical Science
|Chaotic system
|image encryption
|Image Steganography
|Cho, Gyong-Rae
|Earth Science and Technology
|Choe, Chang-Min
|Kyong-Ho Sim
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Materials Science and Technology
|Mechanical Properties
|Finite Element Analysis
|Choe, Chol-Min
|Unhyok Yun
|Laboratory Head
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Department of Naval architecture and Marine engineering
|Emission Inventories
|Air Pollution Modeling
|Air Quality Simulation
|Choe, Chung-Ryol
|Yunhyok Paek
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|mechanical engineering faculty
|Mathematical Modelling
|Numerical Analysis
|Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics
|Choe, Hak-Chol
|Choljun Pak
|Physical Engineering
|ShipBuilding and Ocean Engineering
|Wave Hydrodynamics
|Naval Hydrodynamics
|Fluid Structure Interaction
|Choe, Hyo-Song
|Gyuchol Kim
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Information science and technology
|Choe, Ji-Myong
|Se Ung Kim
|Laboratory Head
|Electronics Engineering
|Department of Applied Chemical Engineering
|Organic Synthesis
|Choe, Jong-Hwan
|Nam Chol Yu
|Institute of Semiconductors
|School of Science and Engineering
|chermical sensor
|Choe, Kum-Ryok
|Jin Sim Kim
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|International Technology Cooperation Center
|Environmental Analysis
|Choe, Kyong-Hyok
|Song Chol Kim
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Faculty of Geoscience and technology
|Fluid Flow
|Enhanced Oil Recovery
|Choe, Pyong-Min
|Ryong Hyon Hwang
|Vice Dean
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Choe, Sang-Lin
|won-Chol Yang
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
|Regression Modeling
|Design of Experiments
|Environmental Assessment
|Choe, Tok-Gi
|Hui-Song Kang
|Section Chief
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Electronics Faculty
|Choe, Uk
|Pok Nam Jang
|faculty of metallurgical engineering
|Molten Salts
|Choi, Yong-Chol
|Il Ryong Om
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Geoscience
|Choljun Pak
|ShipBuilding and Ocean Engineering
|Wave Hydrodynamics
|Naval Hydrodynamics
|Fluid Structure Interaction
|Chon, Ok-Sim
|Kun Ui Hong
|Applied Chemistry
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Chung Hyok Jon
|Il Yong Kang
|School of Science and Engineering
|Department of Automation Engineering
|Control Systems
|Mechanical Properties
|Control Theory
|Mechanical Testing
|Cui Zhe-Xue, 崔哲学?
|Under DPRK Romanization, "Choe Chol Hak"
|Min Hyok Jon
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Dok Yong Jong
|Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering
|Hyon Chol Kim
|Gang Sop Kim
|Department of Earth Science and Technology
|Electronics Faculty
|Thin Films
|Exploration Geophysics
|Data Processing
|Thin Film Deposition
|Ganghyok Kim
|Song Chol Hong
|Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering
|Institute of Nano Science and Physical Engineering
|Energy Storage
|Lithium Ion Batteries
|Gi Ho Chang
|Thermal engineering faculty
|Gyuchol Kim
|Ji Min Pak
|Information science and technology
|Faculty of Automation Engineering
|Robust Control
|Control Theory
|Control Systems
|Han Song-Ho
|Chung Hyok Jon
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Department of Automation Engineering
|Control Systems
|Control Theory
|Han, Chang-Ik
|Gang Sop Kim
|In 2016, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Department of Earth Science and Technology
|Exploration Geophysics
|Data Processing
|Han, Chol-Gwang
|Yong Ho Ri
|Mining Industry
|School of Science and Engineering
|Han, Chol-Min
|Ri Kwang
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Department of Applied mathematics
|Han, Chol-Nam
|Ganghyok Kim
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering
|Energy Storage
|Lithium Ion Batteries
|Han, Eun-Chol
|Dok Yong Jong
|School of Science and Engineering
|Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering
|Han, Hyon-Il
|Yong Nam Ri
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering
|Han, Jang-Min
|Su-Nam Kim
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|institute of anl
|Han, Jong-Su
|Tok Hyong Han
|Earth Science and Technology
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Design Engineering
|Computer-Aided Engineering
|Han, Kuk-Song
|Gi Ho Chang
|Physical Engineering
|Thermal engineering faculty
|Han, Kye-Hyon
|Kumchol Kim
|Physics and Engineering
|Faculty of Physical Engineering
|Optical Fibers
|Han, Pok-Nam
|Man Hyok Song
|Research Director
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Department of Earth Science and Technology
|Wavelet Analysis
|Signal Processing
|Image Processing
|Han, Su-Il
|Pyonghun Kim
|Physics and Engineering
|Institute of Analysis
|Material Characterization
|X-ray Diffraction
|Han, Tok-Hyong
|Kang Dok Kim
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Han, Un-Chol
|Chang Sok Kim
|Mining Industry, School of Science and Engineering
|Han, Yong-Su
|Laboratory Head
|Physical Engineering
|School of Science and Engineering
|Ho, Choe-Hyon
|Yong Ho Kim
|Electronics Engineering
|Institute of Management System Engineering
|Hong, Gun-Ui
|Un Hyok Yang
|Department Head
|also Hong, Kun-Ui
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Mechanical Properties
|Hong, Hui-Song
|Kye Hak Ko
|Physical Engineering
|Department of Psychology
|Hong, Kwang-Il
|Also Dalian Maritime University
|Hong, Myong-Son
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Hong, So-Hon
|Automation Engineering
|Hong, Sok-Gun
|Mining Industry
|Hong, Song-Chol
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Hui-Song Kang
|Electronics Faculty
|Hwang, Gwang-Hyok
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Hwang, Hak-Chol
|In 2013, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Information Technology
|Hwang, Myong-Il
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Hwang, Ryong-Hyon
|Mining Industry
|Hyon Chol Kim
|Electronics Faculty
|Thin Films
|Thin Film Deposition
|Hyon, Song-Chol
|Department Head
|Electronics Engineering
|Il Ryong Om
|Faculty of Geoscience
|Il Yong Kang
|School of Science and Engineering
|Mechanical Properties
|Mechanical Testing
|Im, Thae-Song
|Metallurgical Engineering
|its89114@ star−co.net.kp
|Jang, Dae-Chol
|Mining Industry
|Dept of Mineral Processing
|Jang, Guan-Sik
|Department Head
|Also Jang Kwan-Sik? (Department Head)
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Jang, Gyong-Wal
|Institute of Robotics
|Jang, Hyon
|Jang, Ki-Ho
|Laboratory Head
|Thermal Engineering
|Jang, Paek-San
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Jang, Pok-Nam
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Jang, Song-Ok
|Laboratory Head
|Mining Industry
|Jang, Tae-Il
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Jang, Ui-Jun
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ji Min Pak
|Faculty of Automation Engineering
|Robust Control
|Control Theory
|Control Systems
|Jin Sim Kim
|International Technology Cooperation Center
|Environmental Analysis
|Jin, Du-Ha
|Mining Industry
|Jin, Jong-Chol
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Jo, Chol-Ryong
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Jo, Gwan-Hyok
|Physical Engineering
|Jo, Kyong-Rae
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Jo, Myong-Jin
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Jo, Son-Il
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Jo, Sun-Gu
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Jo, Yong-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Jon, Chol-Jin
|Thermal Engineering
|Jon, Chung-Hyok
|Professor (Assistant)
|Automation Engineering
|Jon, Guang-Hi
|Physics and Engineering
|Jon, Min-Hyok
|Senior Researcher
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Jon, Sang-Mo
|Applied Chemistry
|Jon, Sun-Jong
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Jon, Yong-Nam
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Jong Il-Chol
|Professor, Department Head
|Automation Engineering
|Jong, Chang-Il
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Jong, Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Jong, Hak-Chol
|Electronics Engineering
|Jong, Hak-Chol
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Jong, Ji-Song
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Jong, Kwang-Hyok
|Laboratory Head
|Applied Chemistry
|Jong, Kwang-Sok
|Mining Industry
|Dept of Mineral Processing
|Jong, Myong-Guk
|Information Technology
|Jong, Song-Chol
|Applied Chemistry
|Jong, Tok-Yong
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Jong, Yong-Gwang
|Also Uni. of Science & Technology Beijing
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Ju, Jin-Gon
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ju, Jong-Min
|Also Harbin Institute of Technology
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Ju, Pyong-Su
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kang Dok Kim
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Kang, Hui-Song
|born 1989
|Kang, Il-Yong
|School of Science and Engineering, School of Science and Technology
|Kang, Jong-Nam
|Earth Science and Technology
|Kang, Jong-Nam
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kang, Kwang-Song
|Also University of Science and Technology Beijing
|Mining Industry
|Kang, Min-ho
|Teacher (former?)
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kang, Myong-Chol
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Kang, Sung-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Chang-Sok
|Also Science Engineering Institute
|Applied Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering
|Kim, Chol
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Thermal Engineering
|Kim, Chol-Hyon
|Physical Engineering
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Laser Dept
|Kim, Chol-Jin
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Chol-Man
|School of Science and Engineering
|Kim, Chol-Song
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Chol-Su
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Chon-Ung
|Section Chief
|Electronics Engineering
|Kim, Chun-Yong
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Chung-Il
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Dang-ho
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Dong-Guk
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Gang-Hyok
|Applied Chemistry
|Kim, Gang-Sop
|Earth Science and Technology
|Kim, Gyu-Chol
|Specializes in cryptography. Also Kim, Kyu-Chol
|Information Technology
|Kim, Hak-Min
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Hui-Gan
|Information Center
|Kim, Hui-Gon
|Institute of Internet
|Kim, Hyon-Chol
|Electronics Engineering, Physics and Engineering
|Kim, Il-Hyok
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kim, Il-Nam
|Distance Education College
|Kim, In-Gyu
|Department Head
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Industrial Furnace Engineering
|Kim, Jae-Hun
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kim, Jae-Yong
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Ji-Song
|Information Technology
|Kim, Jin-Hong
|Applied Mathematics
|Kim, Jin-Hyok
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Jin-Sim
|Also Int’l Tech. Coop. Center
|Institute of Internet
|Kim, Jin-Sim
|Also Institute of Internet
|International Technology Cooperation Center
|Kim, Jong-Gon
|Department Head
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Jong-Guk
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Kim, Jong-Tae
|Institute of Internet
|Kim, Ju-Song
|Mining Industry
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Jun
|Physics and Engineering
|Kim, Jung-Hyang
|Department Head
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Kang-Dok
|Research Director
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Kang-Sop
|Department Head
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Ki-Jun
|Information Technology
|Kim, Kum-Chol
|Laboratory Head
|Also Kim, Gum-Chol?
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Kwang-Ho
|Automation Engineering
|Kim, Kwang-Hyok
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Kwang-Il
|Also Institute of Analysis
|General Assay Office
|Kim, Kwang-Jun
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Kim, Kwang-Sok
|Automation Engineering
|Kim, Kwang-Su
|In 2015, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Kyong-Chan
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Kyong-Ho
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Mun-Gi
|Applied Chemistry
|Kim, Myong-Chol
|Thermal Engineering
|Kim, Myong-Hak
|Also China University of Petroleum
|Applied Chemistry
|Kim, Myong-Il
|In 2016 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kim, Myong-Jun
|Information Technology
|Kim, Pong-Il
|Thermal Engineering
|Kim, Pyong-Hun
|Also Northeastern University (Shenyang), also School of Materials Science
|Institute of Analysis
|Kim, Pyong-Hyun
|General Assay Office
|Kim, Pyong-Son
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Ryo-Chol
|Information Technology
|Kim, Ryong-Sop
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kim, Sang-Myong
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kim, Se-Ung
|Senior Lecturer
|Also Dalian Uni. of Tech.
|Applied Chemistry
|Kim, Sok-Yun
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kim, Song-Chol
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Song-Gu
|Mining Industry
|Kim, Song-Guk
|Earth Science and Technology
|Kim, Su-Hyon
|Information Technology
|Kim, Sun-Hui
|Information Technology
|Kim, Sung-Chol
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Sung-Hyuk
|Also Kim Sung-Hyok. In 2016, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Electronics Engineering
|Kim, Tae-Hong
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Kim, Tae-Jong
|Mechanical Engineering
|Kim, Thae-Ho
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Thae-Song
|Department Head
|Information Technology
|Kim, Un-Ha
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kim, Wen-Jae
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Kim, Won-Il
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kim, Won-Man
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Kim, Yil-Byong
|Kim, Yon
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kim, Yong-Gwang
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Dept of Material Analysis
|Kim, Yong-Hyok
|Kim, Yong-Jo
|Electronics Engineering
|Kim, Yong-Jun
|Also Harbin Institute of Tech. Possibly also kyj801031@star-co.net.kp
|Physical Engineering
|Kim, Yun-Pyong
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Kim, Yun-Song
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ko, Il-Jin
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ko, Su-Haeng
|Department Head
|Also Gao, Xiu-Xing
|Automation Engineering
|Kong, Myon-Nam
|Also Kong, Myong-Nam
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Kumchol Kim
|Faculty of Physical Engineering
|Optical Fibers
|Kun, Ui-Hong
|Mining Industry
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Kwak, Chol-Ho
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Kwak, Song-hun
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Kwon, Myong-Chol
|Electronics Engineering
|Kye Hak Ko
|Department of Psychology
|Kyong-Ho Sim
|Materials Science and Technology
|Mechanical Properties
|Finite Element Analysis
|Lee, Chol-Man
|Physical Engineering
|Lee, Gyong-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Lee, Tae-Hyong
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Li, Gyong-Il
|Automation Engineering
|Li, Hyon-Mo
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Li, Hyong-Sung
|Physical Engineering
|Li, Il-Kwang
|Dept of Inorganic Materials
|Applied Chemistry
|Li, Jong-Su
|In 2013 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Li, Kwang-Myong
|Mining Industry
|Li, Tae-Nam
|Physical Engineering
|Ma Min-Gwon
|Department Head
|Information Technology
|Ma, Yong-Min
|Also Uni. of Science & Technology Beijing
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Man Hyok Song
|Department of Earth Science and Technology
|Wavelet Analysis
|Signal Processing
|Image Processing
|Min Hyok Jon
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Mun, Kwang-Il
|Physical Engineering
|Nam Chol Yu
|School of Science and Engineering
|chermical sensor
|O, Sin-Ho
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Oh, Chol-Hwan
|Also O, Chol-Hwan
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Oh, Chung-Hyok
|Physics and Engineering
|Oh, Ju-Hyok
|Or O, Ju-Hyok
|Oh, Kwon-Hyok
|Physical Engineering
|Oh, Un-Sok
|also O, Un-Sok
|Applied Mathematics
|Oh, Yong-Nam
|Physical Engineering
|Om, Il-Ryong
|Head, Faculty of Geoscience
|Mining Industry
|Pae, Yong-Hyon
|Institute of Physics Engineering
|Paek, Chong-Il
|Thermal Engineering
|Paek, In-Chol
|Dept of Mineral Processing
|Mining Industry
|Paek, Nam-Il
|Earth Science and Technology
|Paek, Sung-Hak
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Paek, Un-Yong
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Pak, Chan-Il
|Laboratory Head
|Also Info Center and IT Institute
|Institute of Internet
|Information Center
|Pak, Chol-Hun
|Applied Mathematics
|Pak, Chol-Jun
|Also Dalian University of Technology
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Pak, Chun-Hyok
|Electronics Engineering
|Pak, Hye-Il
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Pak, Il-Man
|Applied Chemistry
|Institute of Material Analysis
|General Assay Office
|Pak, In-Ho
|Physics and Engineering
|Pak, J.-S.
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Pak, Ji-Min
|1st Vice President
|Automation Engineering
|Pak, Ki-Jun
|Mining Industry
|Pak, Kum-Ryong
|Earth Science and Technology
|Pak, Kyong-Song
|Also Dept of Materials Science and Engineering
|Applied Chemistry
|Pak, Myong-Guk
|School of Science and Engineering
|Pak, Pyong-Su
|Laboratory Head
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Pak, Se-Yang
|School of Science and Engineering
|Pak, Sin-Myong
|Power Engineering
|Pak, Son-Guk
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Pak, Song-Chol
|Physical Engineering
|Pak, Song-Jun
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Pak, Un-Jin
|Automation Engineering
|Pak, Won-Ryong
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Pak, Yong-Chol
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Earth Science and Technology
|Pak, Yong-Il
|Power Engineering
|Pak, Yong-Nam
|Department Head
|Thermal Engineering
|Pak, Yong-Taek
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Pang, Chol-Ho
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Pang, Ryu-Sung
|Institute of Internet
|Pok Nam Jang
|faculty of metallurgical engineering
|Molten Salts
|Poknam Han
|College of Ship and Ocean Technology
|Vibration Analysis
|Structural Vibration
|Pyonghun Kim
|Institute of Analysis
|Material Characterization
|X-ray Diffraction
|Ra, Yong-Chol
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri Kwang
|Department of Applied mathematics
|Ri Yong-Ho
|Section Chief
|Naval architecture and ocean engineering
|Ri, Chol-Man
|Department Head
|Physical Engineering
|Ri, Chol-Uk
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri, Hui-Chol
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Ri, Hyon-Song
|Physical Engineering
|Ri, Jae-Bok
|Department Head
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Ri, Jae-Myong
|Department Head
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ri, Jang-Mi
|Applied Chemistry
|Ri, Jin-Hyok
|Applied Chemistry
|Ri, Jong
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri, Ju-Yong
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri, Kang-Hyon
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Ri, Kwang-Il
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri, Kwang-Su
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Ri, Man-Gun
|Ri, Myong-Il
|Physical Engineering
|Ri, Se-Hyong
|Section Leader
|Automation Engineering
|Ri, Sin-Ung
|Chief Researcher
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Ri, Sok-Chol
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Ri, Song-Chol
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Ri, Su-Chol
|Department Head
|Also Li, Su-Chol?
|Information Technology
|Ri, Sung-Hyon
|Earth Science and Technology
|Ri, Won-Jun
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Ri, Yong-Guk
|Physics Science
|Ri, Yong-ho
|Senior Researcher
|School of Science and Engineering, School of Science and Technology
|Rim, Chang-Hyon
|also Harbin Institute of Technology
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Rim, Chang-Sik
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Rim, Myong-Won
|Mining Industry
|Ryang, Myong-Jun
|Mining Industry
|Ryo, Song-Il
|Mining Industry
|Ryong Hyon Hwang
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Ryu, Jong-Chol
|Earth Science and Technology
|Ryu, Kum-Song
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Se Ung Kim
|Department of Applied Chemical Engineering
|Organic Synthesis
|Sim, Kyong-Ho
|Also Harbin Institute of Technology
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Sin, Gye-Chol
|Applied Chemistry
|Sin, MYong-Nam
|Mining Industry
|Sin, Ok-Chol
|Earth Science and Technology
|Sin, Yong-Il
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Sok, Myong-Guk
|Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
|Sok, Sun-Hak
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Son, Gwang-Il
|Electronics Engineering
|Son, Ryong-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Song Chol Hong
|Institute of Nano Science and Physical Engineering
|Song Chol Kim
|Faculty of Geoscience and technology
|Fluid Flow
|Enhanced Oil Recovery
|Song Ok-Chol
|Also Info Center
|Institute of Internet
|Song, Hak-Jin
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Song, Man-Hyok
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Earth Science and Technology
|Song, Myong-Sop
|Department Head
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Song, Ok-Chol
|Also Institute of Information Technology
|Information Center
|Song, Un-Hyok
|Physical Engineering
|Songhun Kwak
|Appears to have published research into vibration analysis (applicable to missiles?)
|Mechanical Engineering
|Composite Structures
|Computational Mechanics, Solid Mechanics
|Su-Nam Kim
|institute of anl
|Thae, Il-Gwang
|Mining Industry
|Tok Hyong Han
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Design Engineering
|Computer-Aided Engineering
|Un Chol Han
|School of Science and Engineering
|Soil Mechanics
|Slope Stability
|Un Hyok Yang
|Faculty of Mining Engineering
|Mechanical Properties
|Unhyok Yun
|Department of Naval architecture and Marine engineering
|Emission Inventories
|Air Pollution Modeling
|Air Quality Simulation
|won-Chol Yang
|Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
|Regression Modeling
|Design of Experiments
|Environmental Assessment
|Won, Chang-Dok
|Earth Science and Technology
|Won, Chang-Tok
|Also Won, Chang-Dok
|School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
|Yang, Ji-Yon
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Yang, Won-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Yong Ho Kim
|Institute of Management System Engineering
|Yong Ho Ri
|School of Science and Engineering
|Yong Jun Kim
|Faculty of Physical Science
|Yong Nam Ri
|Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering
|Yu, Hyong-Su
|Institute of Semiconductors
|Yu, Jang-Chol
|Electronics Engineering
|Yu, Nam-Chol
|Also Semiconductor Institute
|School of Science and Engineering, Institute of Semiconductors
|Yu, Song-Chol
|Yu, Tok-Chol
|Materials Science and Engineering
|Yun, Hui-Gwang
|Laboratory of Functional nanomaterial
|Chemical Engineering
|Yun, Il-Gwon
|International Technology Cooperation Center
|Yun, Il-Sun
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Yun, Jong-Guk
|Also Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Yun, Jong-Sun
|Applied Chemistry
|Yun, Kang-Sa
|Yun, Myong-Guk
|Department Head
|Mining Industry
|Yun, Song-Chol
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Yun, Tu-Hon
|Physical Engineering
|Yun, Un-Hyok
|Laboratory of Functional nanomaterial, also Dept of Naval Architecture
|Chemical Engineering, Naval Architecture
|Yunhyok Paek
|mechanical engineering faculty
|Mathematical Modelling
|Numerical Analysis
|Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics
|Zhang, Zhun-Hyok
|Mechanical Science and Technology
|Zhu, Bing-Xiu
|In 2012 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang)
|Metallurgical Engineering
|Supposedly part of the DPRK Electrical Authority and who is claimed to have published dozens of scientific papers/research articles. Listed on the Chinese Kim-Chaek University wikipedia page, but the source is a dead link

Latest revision as of 22:03, 1 June 2022

One useful metric for measuring research output of Kim-Chaek university and North Korea's military programs is general is by studying its researchers, faculty, etc.[1] This page attempts to list the names and positions of current and previous faculty, as well as links to them and any research they have done.[2] Researchgate lists 43 different faculty members as of May 31.[3] Researchsquare and Google Scholar also appears to have some entries.[4][5] Many of these entries have been manually compiled from Chinese sources such as CNKI.


Last spotted Name (Korean) Other names Role Notes Department Faculty Discipline Notable Sources Contact Info
An, Kwangil also possibly Harbin Engineering University Information Center
Bang, Tae-Jin Institute of Robotics
Cha, Jae-Ryong Mechanical Science and Technology cjr7548@star−co.net.kp
Cha, Myong-Chol Mechanical Science and Technology cmc701120@star−co.net.kp
Cha, Myong-Song Electronics Engineering cms721015@star−co.net.kp
Chae, Chol-Ho Earth Science and Technology, School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Chang Sok Kim School of Science and Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Chang-Sok-Kim
Chanil Pak Institute of information technology D.P.R. of Korea Chaotic system image encryption Image Steganography https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Chanil-Pak
Cho, Gyong-Rae Earth Science and Technology
Choe, Chang-Min Materials Science and Engineering
Choe, Chol-Min Laboratory Head Materials Science and Engineering ccm82722@star−co.net.kp
Choe, Chung-Ryol School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Choe, Hak-Chol Physical Engineering
Choe, Hyo-Song Materials Science and Engineering
Choe, Ji-Myong Laboratory Head Electronics Engineering
Choe, Jong-Hwan Institute of Semiconductors
Choe, Kum-Ryok School of Resource Prospecting Engineering cgh881224@star−co.net.kp
Choe, Kyong-Hyok Mechanical Science and Technology
Choe, Pyong-Min Vice Dean School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Choe, Sang-Lin Materials Science and Engineering
Choe, Tok-Gi Section Chief School of Resource Prospecting Engineering cdk65915@star-co.net.kp
Choe, Uk Reeducation
Choi, Yong-Chol Mining Industry
Choljun Pak ShipBuilding and Ocean Engineering Wave Hydrodynamics Naval Hydrodynamics Fluid Structure Interaction https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Choljun-Pak
Chon, Ok-Sim Applied Chemistry chonoksim@163.com
Chung Hyok Jon Department of Automation Engineering Robustness Control Systems Control Theory https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Chung-Hyok-Jon
최철학? Cui Zhe-Xue, 崔哲学? Professor? Under DPRK Romanization, "Choe Chol Hak"
Dok Yong Jong Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Dok-Yong-Jong
Gang Sop Kim Department of Earth Science and Technology Inversion Exploration Geophysics Data Processing https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Gang-Sop-Kim
Ganghyok Kim Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering Battery Energy Storage Lithium Ion Batteries https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Ganghyok-Kim
Gi Ho Chang Thermal engineering faculty https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Gi-Ho-Chang
Gyuchol Kim Information science and technology Cryptography Cryptology Encryption https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Gyuchol-Kim
Han Song-Ho Researcher Mechanical Science and Technology
Han, Chang-Ik In 2016, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) School of Resource Prospecting Engineering han_6130@sina.com
Han, Chol-Gwang Mining Industry
Han, Chol-Min Mechanical Science and Technology
Han, Chol-Nam Mining Industry
Han, Eun-Chol School of Science and Engineering
Han, Hyon-Il Mining Industry hhi661031@star−co.net.kp
Han, Jang-Min Mechanical Science and Technology
Han, Jong-Su Earth Science and Technology
Han, Kuk-Song Physical Engineering
Han, Kye-Hyon Physics and Engineering
Han, Pok-Nam Research Director Naval architecture and ocean engineering hbn791012@126.com
Han, Su-Il Physics and Engineering
Han, Tok-Hyong Mining Industry
Han, Un-Chol Professor Mining Industry, School of Science and Engineering huch8272@star-co.net.kp
Han, Yong-Su Laboratory Head Physical Engineering
Ho, Choe-Hyon Electronics Engineering
Hong, Gun-Ui Department Head also Hong, Kun-Ui Mining Industry hkui66107@star-co.net.kp
Hong, Hui-Song Student Physical Engineering
Hong, Kwang-Il Also Dalian Maritime University Communication 2925843746@qq.com
Hong, Myong-Son Researcher Materials Science and Engineering
Hong, So-Hon Automation Engineering
Hong, Sok-Gun Researcher Mining Industry hsg6351@star-co.net.kp
Hong, Song-Chol Head Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
Hui-Song Kang Electronics Faculty Sensors Measurement Models https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Hui-Song-Kang
Hwang, Gwang-Hyok Metallurgical Engineering
Hwang, Hak-Chol Teacher In 2013, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Information Technology hhc0330@163.com
Hwang, Myong-Il School of Resource Prospecting Engineering hmi801119@star−co.net.kp
Hwang, Ryong-Hyon Mining Industry
Hyon Chol Kim Electronics Faculty Thin Films Photovoltaics Thin Film Deposition https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Hyon-Chol-Kim
Hyon, Song-Chol Department Head Electronics Engineering hsc621227@star-co.net.kp
Il Ryong Om Faculty of Geoscience https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Il-Ryong-Om
Il Yong Kang School of Science and Engineering Materials Mechanical Properties Mechanical Testing https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Il-Yong-Kang
Im, Thae-Song Metallurgical Engineering its89114@ star−co.net.kp
Jang, Dae-Chol Mining Industry Dept of Mineral Processing
Jang, Guan-Sik Department Head Also Jang Kwan-Sik? (Department Head) Mechanical Science and Technology
Jang, Gyong-Wal Institute of Robotics
Jang, Hyon Electronics
Jang, Ki-Ho Laboratory Head Thermal Engineering cgh64613@star−co.net.kp
Jang, Paek-San Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering jangpaeksan@163.com
Jang, Pok-Nam Teacher Metallurgical Engineering jbn8011@star-co.net.kp
Jang, Song-Ok Laboratory Head Mining Industry
Jang, Tae-Il Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering jdi9031@star−co.net.kp
Jang, Ui-Jun School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Ji Min Pak Faculty of Automation Engineering Robust Control Control Theory Control Systems https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Ji-Min-Pak
Jin Sim Kim International Technology Cooperation Center Environment Environmental Analysis https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Jin-Sim-Kim
Jin, Du-Ha Mining Industry
Jin, Jong-Chol Mechanical Science and Technology
Jo, Chol-Ryong Materials Science and Engineering jcr68105@star−co.net.kp
Jo, Gwan-Hyok Physical Engineering
Jo, Kyong-Rae School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Jo, Myong-Jin Institute of Semiconductors
Jo, Son-Il Materials Science and Engineering
Jo, Sun-Gu School of Resource Prospecting Engineering jsg71517@star−co.net.kp
Jo, Yong-Chol Materials Science and Engineering jyc81323@star−co.net.kp
Jon, Chol-Jin Teacher Thermal Engineering jcj68712@star−co.net.kp
Jon, Chung-Hyok Professor (Assistant) Automation Engineering jch891219@star-co.net.kp
Jon, Guang-Hi Physics and Engineering
Jon, Min-Hyok Senior Researcher Naval architecture and ocean engineering jmh82117@star-co.net.kp
Jon, Sang-Mo Researcher Applied Chemistry jsm7312@star-co.net.kp
Jon, Sun-Jong Mechanical Science and Technology
Jon, Yong-Nam Metallurgical Engineering jyn64128@star−co.net.kp
Jong Il-Chol Professor, Department Head Automation Engineering
Jong, Chang-Il School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Jong, Chol Teacher Materials Science and Engineering jch59611@star−co.net.kp
Jong, Hak-Chol Electronics Engineering
Jong, Hak-Chol School of Resource Prospecting Engineering jhc69511@star−co.net.kp
Jong, Ji-Song Mechanical Science and Technology
Jong, Kwang-Hyok Laboratory Head Applied Chemistry
Jong, Kwang-Sok Researcher Mining Industry Dept of Mineral Processing jks721029@star-co.net.kp
Jong, Myong-Guk Information Technology
Jong, Song-Chol Applied Chemistry
Jong, Tok-Yong School of Resource Prospecting Engineering jdy7459@star−co.net.kp
Jong, Yong-Gwang Also Uni. of Science & Technology Beijing Materials Science and Engineering b20180623@xs.ustb.edu.cn
Ju, Jin-Gon School of Resource Prospecting Engineering jjg6718@star−co.net.kp
Ju, Jong-Min Also Harbin Institute of Technology Materials Science and Engineering jjm218@163.com
Ju, Pyong-Su Teacher Metallurgical Engineering zbx197121@163.com
Kang Dok Kim Faculty of Mining Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Kang-Dok-Kim
Kang, Hui-Song born 1989 Electronics khs89129@star-co.net.kp
Kang, Il-Yong School of Science and Engineering, School of Science and Technology
Kang, Jong-Nam Earth Science and Technology
Kang, Jong-Nam School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kang, Kwang-Song Also University of Science and Technology Beijing Mining Industry
Kang, Min-ho Teacher (former?) Metallurgical Engineering
Kang, Myong-Chol Researcher Institute of Semiconductors kmch79211@star-co.net.kp
Kang, Sung-Chol Materials Science and Engineering ksc77114@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Chang-Sok Researcher Also Science Engineering Institute Applied Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering
Kim, Chol School of Resource Prospecting Engineering Thermal Engineering
Kim, Chol-Hyon Professor Physical Engineering Mechanical Science and Technology Laser Dept rcm6589@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Chol-Jin School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kim, Chol-Man School of Science and Engineering rcm661030@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Chol-Song Materials Science and Engineering
Kim, Chol-Su School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kim, Chon-Ung Section Chief Electronics Engineering
Kim, Chun-Yong Mining Industry
Kim, Chung-Il Mining Industry
Kim, Dang-ho Materials Science and Engineering
Kim, Dong-Guk Physical Engineering
Kim, Gang-Hyok Applied Chemistry
Kim, Gang-Sop Earth Science and Technology kgs6673@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Gyu-Chol Researcher Specializes in cryptography. Also Kim, Kyu-Chol Information Technology kgc841110@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Hak-Min Mining Industry
Kim, Hui-Gan Information Center
Kim, Hui-Gon Institute of Internet
Kim, Hyon-Chol Researcher Electronics Engineering, Physics and Engineering khc86217@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Il-Hyok Metallurgical Engineering
Kim, Il-Nam Distance Education College kin62316@star−co.net.kp
Kim, In-Gyu Department Head Metallurgical Engineering Industrial Furnace Engineering
Kim, Jae-Hun Mechanical Science and Technology
Kim, Jae-Yong School of Resource Prospecting Engineering kjy58611@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Ji-Song Information Technology
Kim, Jin-Hong Applied Mathematics
Kim, Jin-Hyok Student Physical Engineering
Kim, Jin-Sim Also Int’l Tech. Coop. Center Institute of Internet
Kim, Jin-Sim Also Institute of Internet International Technology Cooperation Center
Kim, Jong-Gon Department Head Materials Science and Engineering
Kim, Jong-Guk Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering kjg88113@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Jong-Tae Institute of Internet
Kim, Ju-Song Mining Industry Materials Science and Engineering
Kim, Jun Physics and Engineering
Kim, Jung-Hyang Department Head School of Resource Prospecting Engineering kjh421117@.star−co.net.kp
Kim, Kang-Dok Research Director Mining Industry kkd7913@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Kang-Sop Department Head School of Resource Prospecting Engineering kgs6673@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Ki-Jun Professor Information Technology
Kim, Kum-Chol Laboratory Head Also Kim, Gum-Chol? Electronics Physical Engineering
Kim, Kwang-Ho Teacher Automation Engineering
Kim, Kwang-Hyok Mining Industry
Kim, Kwang-Il Researcher Also Institute of Analysis General Assay Office
Kim, Kwang-Jun Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
Kim, Kwang-Sok Automation Engineering
Kim, Kwang-Su Researcher In 2015, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Materials Science and Engineering kks7546@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Kyong-Chan Mining Industry
Kim, Kyong-Ho Physical Engineering
Kim, Mun-Gi Applied Chemistry
Kim, Myong-Chol Teacher Thermal Engineering
Kim, Myong-Hak Also China University of Petroleum Applied Chemistry kmh311@163.com
Kim, Myong-Il Lecturer In 2016 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Mechanical Science and Technology kmi79819@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Myong-Jun Lecturer Information Technology
Kim, Pong-Il Thermal Engineering
Kim, Pyong-Hun Professor Also Northeastern University (Shenyang), also School of Materials Science Institute of Analysis jinbingxun@gmail.com
Kim, Pyong-Hyun General Assay Office kph73113@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Pyong-Son School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kim, Ryo-Chol Information Technology krc771218@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Ryong-Sop Mechanical Science and Technology
Kim, Sang-Myong Metallurgical Engineering
Kim, Se-Ung Senior Lecturer Also Dalian Uni. of Tech. Applied Chemistry 11607191@mail.dlut.edu.cn
Kim, Sok-Yun Metallurgical Engineering
Kim, Song-Chol Researcher Mining Industry ksc71821@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Song-Gu Mining Industry
Kim, Song-Guk Earth Science and Technology
Kim, Su-Hyon Information Technology ksh77927@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Sun-Hui Information Technology
Kim, Sung-Chol Physical Engineering
Kim, Sung-Hyuk Lecturer Also Kim Sung-Hyok. In 2016, was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Electronics Engineering ksh80430@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Tae-Hong Materials Science and Engineering kdh7449@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Tae-Jong Mechanical Engineering
Kim, Thae-Ho School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kim, Thae-Song Department Head Information Technology
Kim, Un-Ha School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kim, Wen-Jae Metallurgical Engineering
Kim, Won-Il Mechanical Science and Technology kwi75829@star−co.net.kp
Kim, Won-Man Institute of Semiconductors
Kim, Yil-Byong Electronics
Kim, Yon Mechanical Science and Technology
Kim, Yong-Gwang Materials Science and Engineering Dept of Material Analysis
Kim, Yong-Hyok Electronics
Kim, Yong-Jo Electronics Engineering
Kim, Yong-Jun Professor Also Harbin Institute of Tech. Possibly also kyj801031@star-co.net.kp Physical Engineering mcw48220@star-co.net.kp
Kim, Yun-Pyong Naval architecture and ocean engineering
Kim, Yun-Song Teacher School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Ko, Il-Jin School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Ko, Su-Haeng Department Head Also Gao, Xiu-Xing Automation Engineering ksh616@126.com
Kong, Myon-Nam Researcher Also Kong, Myong-Nam Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
Kumchol Kim Faculty of Physical Engineering Models Optical Fibers Modeling https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Kumchol-Kim
Kun, Ui-Hong Professor/Dean Mining Industry Faculty of Mining Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Kun-Ui-Hong
Kwak, Chol-Ho School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Kwak, Song-hun Professor Mechanical Science and Technology ksh781209@126.com
Kwon, Myong-Chol Electronics Engineering kmc7533@star−co.net.kp
Kye Hak Ko Department of Psychology https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Kye-Hak-Ko-3
Kyong-Ho Sim Materials Science and Technology Mechanical Properties Microstructure Finite Element Analysis https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Kyong-Ho-Sim
Lee, Chol-Man Physical Engineering
Lee, Gyong-Chol Materials Science and Engineering
Lee, Tae-Hyong Materials Science and Engineering
Li, Gyong-Il Lecturer Automation Engineering
Li, Hyon-Mo Metallurgical Engineering
Li, Hyong-Sung Physical Engineering
Li, Il-Kwang Dept of Inorganic Materials Applied Chemistry
Li, Jong-Su Lecturer In 2013 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Mechanical Science and Technology lijongsu@126.com
Li, Kwang-Myong Mining Industry
Li, Tae-Nam Physical Engineering
Ma Min-Gwon Department Head Information Technology
Ma, Yong-Min Also Uni. of Science & Technology Beijing School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Man Hyok Song Department of Earth Science and Technology Wavelet Analysis Signal Processing Image Processing https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Man-Hyok-Song
Min Hyok Jon Naval architecture and ocean engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Min-Hyok-Jon
Mun, Kwang-Il Physical Engineering
Nam Chol Yu School of Science and Engineering Materials Nanomaterials chermical sensor https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Nam-Chol-Yu
O, Sin-Ho Materials Science and Engineering
Oh, Chol-Hwan Also O, Chol-Hwan Mechanical Science and Technology och831017@star−co.net.kp
Oh, Chung-Hyok Physics and Engineering
Oh, Ju-Hyok Or O, Ju-Hyok Communication
Oh, Kwon-Hyok Student? Physical Engineering
Oh, Un-Sok also O, Un-Sok Applied Mathematics ous8511@star−co.net.kp
Oh, Yong-Nam Physical Engineering
Om, Il-Ryong Head, Faculty of Geoscience Mining Industry oir67124@star-co.net.kp
Pae, Yong-Hyon Institute of Physics Engineering
Paek, Chong-Il Thermal Engineering
Paek, In-Chol Dept of Mineral Processing Mining Industry pic69212@star−co.net.kp
Paek, Nam-Il Earth Science and Technology
Paek, Sung-Hak Naval architecture and ocean engineering
Paek, Un-Yong Manager Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
Pak, Chan-Il Laboratory Head Also Info Center and IT Institute Institute of Internet Information Center pchi75826@star-co.net.kp
Pak, Chol-Hun Researcher Applied Mathematics pch561020@star-co.net.kp
Pak, Chol-Jun Professor Also Dalian University of Technology Naval architecture and ocean engineering
Pak, Chun-Hyok Teacher Electronics Engineering
Pak, Hye-Il Mechanical Science and Technology
Pak, Il-Man Applied Chemistry Institute of Material Analysis General Assay Office
Pak, In-Ho Physics and Engineering psh050401@163.com
Pak, J.-S. Mechanical Science and Technology
Pak, Ji-Min 1st Vice President Automation Engineering pjm63113@star-co.net.kp
Pak, Ki-Jun Mining Industry pgj58118@star−co.net.kp
Pak, Kum-Ryong Earth Science and Technology
Pak, Kyong-Song Also Dept of Materials Science and Engineering Applied Chemistry 15124581046@163.com
Pak, Myong-Guk School of Science and Engineering pmg6819@star−co.net.kp
Pak, Pyong-Su Laboratory Head Institute of Semiconductors
Pak, Se-Yang Researcher School of Science and Engineering psy80830@star−co.net.kp
Pak, Sin-Myong Power Engineering
Pak, Son-Guk Institute of Semiconductors
Pak, Song-Chol Teacher Physical Engineering
Pak, Song-Jun Metallurgical Engineering
Pak, Un-Jin Automation Engineering
Pak, Won-Ryong Mechanical Science and Technology
Pak, Yong-Chol School of Resource Prospecting Engineering Earth Science and Technology pyc80525@star−co.net.kp
Pak, Yong-Il Power Engineering pyi79720@star−co.net.kp
Pak, Yong-Nam Department Head Thermal Engineering
Pak, Yong-Taek Institute of Semiconductors
Pang, Chol-Ho Metallurgical Engineering
Pang, Ryu-Sung Institute of Internet
Pok Nam Jang faculty of metallurgical engineering Alloys Electrolytes Molten Salts https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Pok-Nam-Jang
Poknam Han College of Ship and Ocean Technology Vibration Analysis Composites Structural Vibration https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Poknam-Han
Pyonghun Kim Institute of Analysis Electrochemistry Material Characterization X-ray Diffraction https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Pyonghun-Kim
Ra, Yong-Chol Mechanical Science and Technology
Ri Kwang Department of Applied mathematics https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Ri_Kwang
Ri Yong-Ho Section Chief Naval architecture and ocean engineering
Ri, Chol-Man Department Head Physical Engineering
Ri, Chol-Uk Mechanical Science and Technology
Ri, Hui-Chol Institute of Semiconductors rhc751011@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Hyon-Song Physical Engineering
Ri, Jae-Bok Department Head Materials Science and Engineering rjb65522@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Jae-Myong Department Head School of Resource Prospecting Engineering rjm6793@kut.edu.kp
Ri, Jang-Mi Applied Chemistry rijangmi@163.com
Ri, Jin-Hyok Applied Chemistry rijinhyok@yeah.net
Ri, Jong Mechanical Science and Technology rj90128@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Ju-Yong Mechanical Science and Technology
Ri, Kang-Hyon Researcher Materials Science and Engineering
Ri, Kwang-Il Mechanical Science and Technology
Ri, Kwang-Su School of Resource Prospecting Engineering rgs67514@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Man-Gun Communication rmg66412@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Myong-Il Physical Engineering
Ri, Se-Hyong Section Leader Automation Engineering
Ri, Sin-Ung Chief Researcher Institute of Semiconductors
Ri, Sok-Chol Metallurgical Engineering rsc8285@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Song-Chol Mechanical Science and Technology
Ri, Su-Chol Department Head Also Li, Su-Chol? Information Technology
Ri, Sung-Hyon Earth Science and Technology
Ri, Won-Jun Materials Science and Engineering rwj8415@star−co.net.kp
Ri, Yong-Guk Physics Science
Ri, Yong-ho Senior Researcher School of Science and Engineering, School of Science and Technology ryh70824@star−co.net.kp
Rim, Chang-Hyon also Harbin Institute of Technology Mechanical Science and Technology
Rim, Chang-Sik Institute of Semiconductors
Rim, Myong-Won Mining Industry
Ryang, Myong-Jun Mining Industry
Ryo, Song-Il Mining Industry
Ryong Hyon Hwang Faculty of Mining Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Ryong-Hyon-Hwang
Ryu, Jong-Chol Earth Science and Technology
Ryu, Kum-Song School of Resource Prospecting Engineering
Se Ung Kim Department of Applied Chemical Engineering Organic Synthesis https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Se-Ung-Kim
Sim, Kyong-Ho Engineer Also Harbin Institute of Technology Materials Science and Engineering toshil423@163.com
Sin, Gye-Chol Applied Chemistry
Sin, MYong-Nam Mining Industry smn63312@star−co.net.kp
Sin, Ok-Chol Earth Science and Technology
Sin, Yong-Il Mechanical Science and Technology
Sok, Myong-Guk Institute of Nano-Physical Engineering
Sok, Sun-Hak Materials Science and Engineering
Son, Gwang-Il Electronics Engineering
Son, Ryong-Chol Materials Science and Engineering
Song Chol Hong Institute of Nano Science and Physical Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Song-Chol-Hong
Song Chol Kim Faculty of Geoscience and technology Gas Fluid Flow Enhanced Oil Recovery https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Song-Chol-Kim
Song Ok-Chol Also Info Center Institute of Internet
Song, Hak-Jin Teacher Mechanical Science and Technology shj7641@star−co.net.kp
Song, Man-Hyok Teacher School of Resource Prospecting Engineering Earth Science and Technology [[1]].net.kp
Song, Myong-Sop Department Head Mechanical Science and Technology
Song, Ok-Chol Also Institute of Information Technology Information Center
Song, Un-Hyok Physical Engineering
2022 Songhun Kwak Professor Appears to have published research into vibration analysis (applicable to missiles?) Mechanical Engineering Composite Structures Computational Mechanics, Solid Mechanics Yes
Su-Nam Kim institute of anl https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Su-Nam-Kim
Thae, Il-Gwang Mining Industry
Tok Hyong Han Faculty of Mining Engineering CAD Design Engineering Computer-Aided Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Tok-Hyong-Han
Un Chol Han School of Science and Engineering Mining Soil Mechanics Slope Stability
Un Hyok Yang Faculty of Mining Engineering Friction Mechanical Properties https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Un-Hyok-Yang
Unhyok Yun Department of Naval architecture and Marine engineering Emission Inventories Air Pollution Modeling Air Quality Simulation https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Unhyok-Yun
won-Chol Yang Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Regression Modeling Design of Experiments Environmental Assessment https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Won-Chol-Yang
Won, Chang-Dok Earth Science and Technology
Won, Chang-Tok Teacher Also Won, Chang-Dok School of Resource Prospecting Engineering wcd73418@star-co.net.kp
Yang, Ji-Yon Materials Science and Engineering
Yang, Won-Chol Researcher Materials Science and Engineering ywch71912@star-co.net.kp
Yong Ho Kim Institute of Management System Engineering Scheduling https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Yong-Ho-Kim-6
Yong Ho Ri School of Science and Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Yong-Ho-Ri
Yong Jun Kim Faculty of Physical Science https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Yong-Jun-Kim-2
Yong Nam Ri Faculty of Geological Prospecting Engineering https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Yong-Nam-Ri
Yu, Hyong-Su Institute of Semiconductors yhs611012@star-co.net.kp
Yu, Jang-Chol Electronics Engineering
Yu, Nam-Chol Researcher Also Semiconductor Institute School of Science and Engineering, Institute of Semiconductors ync781213@star-co.net.kp
Yu, Song-Chol Electronics
Yu, Tok-Chol Materials Science and Engineering
Yun, Hui-Gwang Laboratory of Functional nanomaterial Chemical Engineering
Yun, Il-Gwon International Technology Cooperation Center
Yun, Il-Sun Mechanical Science and Technology
Yun, Jong-Guk Teacher Also Northeastern University (Shenyang) Mechanical Science and Technology
Yun, Jong-Sun Applied Chemistry yunjongsun@163.com
Yun, Kang-Sa Electronics ygs90828@star−co.net.kp
Yun, Myong-Guk Department Head Mining Industry ymg6351@star-co.net.kp
Yun, Song-Chol Metallurgical Engineering ysc211@star−co.net.kp
Yun, Tu-Hon Physical Engineering ydh5675@star−co.net.kp
Yun, Un-Hyok Laboratory of Functional nanomaterial, also Dept of Naval Architecture Chemical Engineering, Naval Architecture
Yunhyok Paek mechanical engineering faculty Mathematical Modelling Numerical Analysis Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics https://www.researchgate.netprofile/Yunhyok-Paek
Zhang, Zhun-Hyok Mechanical Science and Technology
Zhu, Bing-Xiu Lecturer In 2012 was a PhD student at Northeastern University (Shenyang) Metallurgical Engineering rotary21@gmail.com
2000s? ? 白永哲 Professor Supposedly part of the DPRK Electrical Authority and who is claimed to have published dozens of scientific papers/research articles. Listed on the Chinese Kim-Chaek University wikipedia page, but the source is a dead link ? No


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315967194_A_Study_on_the_Production_of_Science_and_Technology_Knowledge_in_North_Korea_through_International_Academic_Papers?_iepl%5BgeneralViewId%5D=iJX0Vv5Kju1Kh7tfIOgG0uQ12ZtXyWE0K1QE&_iepl%5Bcontexts%5D%5B0%5D=searchReact&_iepl%5BviewId%5D=LlloDuXmTjQwFKgcONU4FOG0nmYgY7AEESC9&_iepl%5BsearchType%5D=publication&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BcountLessEqual20%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BinteractedWithPosition1%5D=1&_iepl%5Bdata%5D%5BwithEnrichment%5D=1&_iepl%5Bposition%5D=1&_iepl%5BrgKey%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BtargetEntityId%5D=PB%3A315967194&_iepl%5BinteractionType%5D=publicationTitle
  2. https://www.wiki.zh-cn.nina.az/%E6%B4%AA%E7%91%9E%E6%86%B2.html
  3. https://www.researchgate.net/institution/Kim_Chaek_University_of_Technology/members
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&sxsrf=AOaemvLDzlMxeLd6CJqcuQjlUnDCTchGuw%3A1641236429249&source=hp&ei=zUfTYcWmDOnTytMP2OyOsAo&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYdNV3eREgjLWmXVn3Oywtlj_Des-BtyX&ved=0ahUKEwiFweuSopb1AhXpqXIEHVi2A6YQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=site%3Aresearchsquare.com+%22kim+chaek+university%22&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BAgjECc6CwgAEIAEELEDEIsDOggIABCABBCLAzoFCC4QgAQ6EQguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDEIsDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCLAzoXCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQowIQiwMQqAMQpwM6BAguEEM6BAgAEEM6EAguEEMQiwMQqAMQmgMQmAM6BwgAELEDEEM6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOggIABCABBCxAzoHCAAQQxCLA1AAWLRPYKNTaAZwAHgAgAFmiAHrFZIBBDUxLjGYAQCgAQG4AQI&sclient=gws-wiz
  5. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C21&q=%28kim+chaek+university%29&btnG=